What happens to your contribution through Ticketbutler?

Oskar Dahl Hansen


When you pay an extra €5 per ticket at Ticketbutler, the money actually goes to us at Climaider.

When you pay 5 DKK extra per ticket at Ticketbutler, the money goes to us at Climaider. We are a Danish company working to make real climate action easy and accessible.

The amount is a fixed DKK 5 regardless of the ticket price and Ticketbutler does not earn anything from the cooperation.

When a ticket buyer agrees to donate DKK 5/ticket, climate projects are supported that for each donation reduce 40 kg of CO2 - or the equivalent of the carbon footprint of about 4 guests.

In collaboration with Ticketbutler, we want to allow you to make a small contribution that makes a big difference.

How does your money make a difference?

At Climaider, we follow the framework of either the WWF Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard. These are the two largest and most recognized standards in relation to CO2 compensation. They are independent third parties that make sure that projects actually make the difference that is promised. This is our guarantee, and your guarantee, that together we are offsetting your share of the CO2 emissions from your participation.

‍Whatprojects does your money go to?

The money funds two projects:

Eden Reforestation Projects is planting mangrove trees in Madagascar. On a 183 hectare area, we plant approximately 2.5 million trees over the next few years.

Production and distribution of efficient stoves in East Africa. By subsidizing the stoves appropriately, we help families who usually cut down forest to cook over open fire to get stoves that burns much cleaner. The stoves use excess biomass for fuel and replaces the need to cut down trees. At the same time, the stoves burns just as cleanly as a modern gas stove thus significantly improves the standard of living.

Why is it 5 DKK?

We have calculated the carbon emissions of 39 different Ticketbutler events and have thus arrived at an average price per participating guest. Included in the calculations are operation, catering, and transport. There are also emissions associated with other activities, but since it has not been possible to get good enough data on it, we have “caught” it with an added uncertainty. Based on the calculations, it was not exactly DKK 5 per participant - in reality, it was lower. With the DKK 5, however, we are sure that we do not offset too little, just as a buffer in the price ensures that we can maintain the price even though there are ongoing price increases on the projects.

So how much money goes to the projects?

Ticketbutler earns nothing on your contribution. For them, It is an initiative - not to make money but to do something good for the planet.

For Climaider, however, the selection of projects is one of the things we spend the most time on. We want to make sure that we always work with the very best and most credible projects. Therefore, we charge a fee for the carbon offsetting. When you pay DKK 5, we take 10%. Typically we are taking approximately twice as much, but with this collaboration, Ticketbutler's ambition has been to make as big a difference as possible - and therefore we have agreed to take a significantly lower fee than otherwise.

Want to know more? You are always welcome to write to us at hello@climaider.com. Then we will do everything we can to help you in the best possible way.