Real difference. Strong culture.

Engage your business in genuine and employee-driven climate action with Planet Pension.

A mockup showing the planet pension user interface on a laptop and a mobile phone.

Give your employees the spotlight

Attract and retain talent

93% of people under 30 say their loyalty and motivation is closely linked to how socially and sustainably responsible their employer is.

Take ambition and sustainability strategy out of the meeting room and into the pockets of your most important asset: your employees.

Businesses are defined by the people in them, so make sure the best talent chooses you.

An illustration of a factory puffing out hearts
A mockup showing an employee getting notified by their coworker's recent climate action.

Give your employees a tool for climate action

Engage the entire workplace around a common goal - from the CEO to the student worker.

Follow and view the performance of colleagues and get inspired to take personal action that strengthens the collective effort.

See your joint efforts and get inspired

Live updated state of the art carbon calculator, reduction challenges, habit change and climate education content.

"Best in class and research-based carbon offsetting.

An image of two phones showing a companies' climate dashboard and climate related stats.

What you get as an employee...

A phone showing a vertical row of badges that provide climate challenges.

Calculate and reduce your carbon footprint

A phone showing a big circle diagram of your CO2 emission and a name.

Personal carbon offsetting sponsored by your workplace

A phone showing a list of climate polls.

Bottom-up suggestions for sustainable ideas

A phone showing a list of a companies' CO2 emission stats.

See and track your company's climate initiatives

... and as a company



See, manage and share your collective climate action.



Track climate trends and understand your employees' attitudes towards specific climate initiatives.



Educate and nudge employee behavior towards a sustainable lifestyle.

An illustration of a cute sapling.

Integrate true climate action into your corporate DNA with Planet Pension


A green checkmark

Climate learning

Reduction challenges, habit change and climate education content.

A green checkmark

Personal action - common goals

Personal actions for a common goal in the workplace.

A green checkmark

Real climate action

"Best in class and research-based carbon offsetting.

A green checkmark

Attract and retain talent

7/10 would rather work for a company with a strong climate policy.

"Our employees have increased their commitment to our climate action - the number of vegetarians in our canteen has increased from 3% to 33%"

Image of a woman

Anne Sofie Evert

Senior Consultant, Epinion

Successful companies of the future take responsibility

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